The Sacred

The Sacred

A podcast about the things we hold sacred, and how to talk to people different from ourselves.

Converting to Islam and the Pursuit of Meaning with Dr Timothy Winter (Abdal Hakim Murad)

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Elizabeth Oldfield sits down with renowned Islamic theologian Dr. Timothy Winter (Abdal Hakim Murad) to explore his journey to Islam and the depth and richness that he finds within the Islamic spiritual tradition.

Dr. Winter shares the story of his own transformative journey, from attending a Christian school to a deep immersion in the world of Islam.

Beyond his personal narrative, Dr. Winter delves into the surprising commonalities between Christianity and Islam, challenging common misconceptions and inviting listeners to consider the universal human yearning for the sacred. He also reflects on the resurgence of interest in traditional forms of religion and the need for a more prophetic, counter-cultural approach to faith.

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💡 Produced by the ‪@thinktanktheos‬


Islam, Christianity, monotheism, spirituality, sexuality, conversion, personal journey, theology, education, family legacy, Christianity, interfaith dialogue, spirituality, conversion, religious identity, cultural differences, common humanity, religious trends, Islamic theologian, lecturer in Islamic studies, Muslim devotional literature, Islamic theology, Interfaith dialogue, religious pluralism, Spirituality and modernity, Secularization, secularisation, Religious conversion, Sufism, Islamic philosophy, Islamic culture, Muslim identity, Muslim community, Religious revivalism, Postmodernism and religion, globalisation, Globalization and religion, Spiritual awakening, Transcendence, Meaning of life, Existential questions


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About this podcast

The Sacred is a podcast about our deepest values, the stories that shape us and how we can build empathy and understanding between people who are very different.

Each episode features a conversation with someone who has a public voice, from academics to journalists, playwrights and politicians. We ask them where they have come from, what they are trying to do and what might help heal our very divided public conversations.

The Sacred is hosted by Elizabeth Oldfield, former director of Theos think tank.

For more information about the people and ideas behind the podcast, visit or follow us on Twitter @theosthinktank, @sacred_podcast and @ESOldfield.

by Theos think tank


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